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book (design) story #117

theun de vries:
das glücksrad

büchergilde gutenberg, zürich, 1942
printer: unionsdruckerei bern
size: 22 x 13 cm
designer: richard paul lohse

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dutch writer and communist politician theun de vries (1907-2005) is best known for his book het meisje met het rode haar (the girl with the red hair) about dutch resistance fighter hannie schaft. this book is a german translation of his book het rad der fortuin (the wheel of fortune), first published in 1938.

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richard paul lohse (1902-1988) used a round "wheel of fortune" motif on the jacket, cover, and title page. wavy lines and and starry glitter seem to express fortune's irrationality.

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even the section titles are rounded, like the segment of a wheel.

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