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book (design) story #193

(unknown) :
zürcher grafiker vsg

verband schweizer grafiker / ortsgruppe zürich, zürich, 1943
printer: bruderer druck, zürich
size: 12 x 22 cm
designer: (unknown)

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probably at the occasion of the 1943 exhibition mentioned in story 192, the zürich section of the vsg (association of swiss graphic designers) published this information brochure about its members.

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60 graphic designers are listed, and each of them is featured on one page with reproductions of their works.

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below a photograph by e. a. heiniger (see book 81) on the left, and one of walter herdeg's famous ads for st. moritz on the right.

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richard paul lohse – address: "badenerstr 16 z-haus" – shows a poster ("reading makes you rich"), and the book of story 97, ....

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... while hans neuburg features a collection of his brochures and catalogues for industrial companies.

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