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book (design) story #215

vladimir majakovskij:

giulio einaudi editore, milano, 1946
printer: stamperia artistica nazionale, torino
size: 21 x 15 cm
designer: max huber

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another cover design by max huber (1919-1992) for the publishers einaudi. here early russian constructivism-influenced new typography is even more evident than in the previous example: "typophoto" in an asymmetric arrangement, sans-serif typefaces, upwards-leading slanted text, and the colour red ...

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... – an appropriate design for vladimir majakovskij's (1993-1930) famous poem on lenin written in 1924.

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again, the paper quality is typically post-war – browning and brittle.

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below an illustration by david burljuk, a friend of majakovskij's since the early 1910s when they had contacts to the italian futurist art mouvement.

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