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book (design) story #260

richard paul lohse, josef müller-brockmann, hans neuburg, carlo vivarelli:
neue grafik / new graphic design / graphisme actuel

verlag otto walter ag, olten, 1958
size: ?? x ?? cm
designer: carlo vivarelli

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in 1958 four zürich-based graphic designers launched this new magazine. the team of editors constisted of richard paul lohse (1902-1988), josef müller-brockmann (1914-1996), hans neuburg (1904-1983), and carlo vivarelli (1919-1986). the team signed some of their jointly written articles with the acronym "lmnv", formed from their initials.

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"neue grafik" epitomizes swiss new new typography of the 1950s. above: the title page and an ad designed by karl gerstner. (gerstner and his partner markus kutter published a book in a very similar vein in 1959 – see story 37).

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the opening article is a historical essay on "the influence of modern art on contemporary graphic design" by lohse. the reproductions show many great examples of influential modernist paintings and graphic designs.

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there is an article by the "lmnv" team on photography in modern graphic design, illustrated by an "abstract" colour photograph by rené groebli.

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while hans neuburg introduces a selection of great swiss posters from the years 1931-1957, ...

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... ernst scheidegger writes about the hfg ulm (below). there is also an article by max bill.

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in this first number of the magazine, the four editors are featured with pictures and short bios. "neue grafik" ceased publication in 1965 after issue 17/18. copies of this great magazine are quite hard to find today.

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so i was very happy this xmas when i opened a flat square present wrapped in bright magenta paper – to find this pristine copy of "neue grafik" number one. thank you and lots of love, my dear friend!

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the design of the magazine never changed – as we see in the photo below of a whole bunch i finally found. while the first issue was designed by carlo vivarelli, hans neuburg is credited for the layout of the later issues in the same style.

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