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book (design) story #304

werner knauf:
ça ira

büchergilde gutenberg, berlin, 1930
printer: buchdruckwerkstätte g.m.b.h., berlin
size: 24 x 17 cm
designer: rudolf dörwald

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another example of modernist book design from the büchergilde berlin by rudolf dörwald (no dates known).

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erich knauf (1895-1944) was a socialist writer who worked as an editor for the büchergilde.

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in 1934 knauf spent several months in nazi concentration camps. in 1944 he was condemned to death and executed after being denounced of telling anti-nazi jokes.

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in this book knauf tells autobiographic stories about the so-called kapp-putsch in 1920, an attempt by right-wing nationalists to overthrow the weimar republic.

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the photos with removed background, the titles and page numbers in bold sans-serif, and the cover photomontage are done in a "new typography" approach. unlike other modernist designers rudolf dörwald kept working for the büchergilde after its "gleichschaltung" in 1933.

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