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book (design) story #315

rex warner:
der flugplatz

universitas-verlag, berlin (büchergilde gutenberg, zürich, 1946), around 1950
printer: buchdruckerei volksstimme, st. gallen
size: 20 x 14 cm
designer: richard paul lohse (jacket)

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after ww2 some of the büchergilde zürich books were reissued in germany by local publishers.

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in this case the berlin publisher univeritas verlag also reused the original dustjacket design by richard paul lohse (1902-1988). it features a photomontage of an airfield and a flying plane in lohse's typical style: overprinting monochrome photographs in different colours. note the title aligning with the airfield's perspective.

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the book is a german translation of the 1941 novel "the aerodrome" by rex warner (1905-1986).

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