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book (design) story #381

hans erni:
wo steht der maler in der gegenwart?

büchergilde gutenberg, zürich, 1947
printer: c. j. bucher ag., luzern
size: 24 x 21 cm
designer: hans erni

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i have mentioned swiss painter and poster artist hans erni (*1909) – yes, we wish he will experience his 100th birthday next year! – in my previous book story. after being an abstract painter and founding member of the allianz group in the 1930s, erni changed his style in the early 1940s towards a "social realism".

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in this book "what is the painter's position today?" which is based on lecture erni gave in 1946 he explains why.

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the book was designed by the author, according to the foreword, and published by the büchergilde gutenberg zürich (a leaflet about this book club's latest publications is laid in).

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erni explains that in the aftermaths of ww2 artists have to create works that address the problems of society – in a way the people and not just an elite is able to understand. he expresses his admiration for picasso – pointing out this artist's membership in the communist party, ...

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... while on the other hand mondrian is mentioned as an example of wrong artistic conception: "these so-called 'abstract painters' are conciously closing their eyes in front of today's problems, and lock themselfs into their ivory towers. (...) their painting is a game of formal means without creative content, moving away from natural humanity (...) these painters have more formal skills than relevant content." and erni praises soviet realism of being a true people's art.

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erni's virtuoso classicist drawing style, often inspired by greek art, proved quite popular in switzerland – but his paintings are not shown in major art museums, since they are not "avantgarde" enough ... for the brochure's typography erni relies on bodoni, set justified except for short text lines next to illustrations.

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