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book (design) story #471

elisabeth fülscher:

selbstverlag von elisabeth fülscher, zürich, 1960
printer: carta druck ag, zürich
size: 22 x 17 cm
photographer: hans finsler, bernhard moosbrugger
designer: (unknown) , johanna fülscher (drawings)

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the "fülscher kochbuch" is a swiss cookbook classic. this is the 7th edition from 1960.

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in the foreword elisabeth fülscher states that her sister johanna fülscher (1893-1978) contributed the drawings, and mr. a. stäubli from the carta druck print shop was resonsible for the production of the book.

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i don't know if this includes the typographic design.

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the b/w photographs are by modernist photo pioneer hans finsler, ...

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... in his typical "sachlich" (objective) style.

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i guess also the cover photo is by finsler – its geometrical, strictly orthogonal composition is very "swiss style".

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