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book (design) story #474

vicki baum:
liebe und tod auf bali

büchergilde gutenberg, zürich, 1946
printer: genossenschaftsdruckerei zürich
size: 20 x 14 cm
designer: richard paul lohse

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richard paul lohse (1902-1988) was involved in the design of around hundred books for the büchergilde gutenberg in zürich. lohse is renowned today as a pioneer of the modernist "swiss style", however up to the mid-1940s lohse also designed books in very different styles – it is known that büchergilde boss bruno dressler always supported a variety of styles, including "new typography", but not exclusively.

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lohses's jacket and title design sports calligraphic uncial style lettering, somewhat similar to his book 449. the design is credited to lohse in helmut dressler's 1947 publication "werden und wirken der büchergilde gutenberg".

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successful austrian writer vicki baum (1888-1960, see 61) first published "love and death on bali" in the querido verlag, amsterdam, in 1937.

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the story is about bali's native culture and its destruction by the dutch colonialists.

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