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book (design) story #483

alfred bäumler:
bachofen und nietzsche

verlag der neuen schweizer rundschau, zürich, 1929
size: 23 x 16 cm
designer: ernst keller

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here we have another brochure published in the same series as our previous book, with the same standardised jacket design by swiss graphic design pioneer ernst keller (1891-1968) – but in different colours.

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this is a philosophic essay by alfred bäumler (1887-1968) on johann jakob bachofen and friedrich nietzsche. bäumler, a conservative german philosopher, later became a leading nazi. it was actually after his inaugural lecture on 10 may 1933 when nazi students burned thousands of "un-german" books at opera square, berlin. after 1945 bäumler was jailed for three years.

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back to typography: again, the initial is constructed with rules, not a single letter.

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