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book (design) story #500

adolf behne:
von kunst zur gestaltung

arbeiterjugend-verlag, berlin, 1925
size: 21 x 14 cm
designer: oskar fischer (jacket)

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story #500 (i can hardly believe it!) is dedicated to a remarkable book by one of the most influential theoreticians of modernist culture in 1920s' germany: from art to design by socialist writer and professor adolf behne (1885-1948). jan tschichold listed this book in the bibliography of his seminal "neue typographie" (see story 29) and marked it with a fat dot, meaning "especially recommended".

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the stunning constructivist jacket was designed by german painter and graphic designer oskar fischer (1892-1955). fischer was a member of the communist party and later active in the antifascist resistance movement.

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the title page shows modernist elements such as asymmetric composition and rules while the typeface – rudolf koch's "koch antiqua" – is still rather in the german werkbund's older "arts and crafts" vein.

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behne's essay tries to explain art from a socio-political viewpoint: in his eyes constructivism is the art of the socialist revolution. paul renner quoted in his "mechanisierte grafik" (see story 43) from page 63 (above) – with a very critical comment!

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the experimental photomontages ...

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... and colour examples were also designed by oskar fischer.

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below paintings by piet mondrian (in colour), futurists gino severini and umberto boccioni, ...

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... as well as kurt schwitters and again oskar fischer.

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