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book (design) story #507

wolfgang von einsiedel:
deutscher almanach für das jahr 1932

verlag von philipp reclam jun., leipzig, 1931
printer: philipp reclam jun., leipzig
size: 18 x11 cm
designer: georg salter

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we have come across leipzig publisher reclam's german almanac before: this issue for the year 1932 was designed by georg salter (1897-1967), who was also comissioned for the following year (see story 173), while the issue for 1934 was designed by paul renner (see story 185).

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interestingly, all three designs make use of silver!

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as the original belly band suggests, 1932 was the "year of goethe" who had died 100 years ago.

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portraits of goethe adorn the jacket and frontis.

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according to the imprint, salter designed not only the jacket but also the inner pages. wolfgang von einsiedel (1963-1967) is credited as editor.

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there are several promotional leaflets laid in.

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