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book (design) story #509

paul artaria, wilhelm kienzle, egidius streiff:
das haus aus unserem holz

kunstgewerbemusum zürich (wegleitung 137), 1938
printer: werkstätten der gewerbeschule zürich
size: 21 x 15 cm
designer: hans aeschbach (cover)

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a catalogue of a 1938 exhibition at the kunstgewerbemuseum zürich on wood house construction. the cover is signed "aeschbach", ...

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... referring to zürich graphic designer and painter hans aeschbach (1911-1999) who was also a teacher at the kunstgewerbeschule zürich.

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basel-based modernist architect paul artaria (1892–1959) was among the authors, below the model of the youth hostel fällanden by modernist pioneer emil roth (1891-1980) which opened in 1937.

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