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book (design) story #118

ester lindin:
eva und die gemeinde

büchergilde gutenberg, zürich, 1942
printer: unionsdruckerei bern
size: 22 x 13 cm
designer: richard paul lohse

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swedish writer ester lindin (1890-1991) wrote this novel about eva, a young school teacher starting her first job in a backward countryside village.

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again a book design by richard paul lohse (1902-1988) with lots of calligraphy, like in book 117. in the early 1940s, lohse often used yellow-black colour schemes in his art, and in some of his graphic designs (see story 23, 24). the calligraphic writing probably relates to eva's job as a teacher – while the curlicues breaking out of the black circle around eva's name on the jacket seem to symbolise her emancipation...

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the chapter numbers are in a shadow-style typeface, while the actual chapter titles are just set in italic – same size as text.

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