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book (design) story #131

jonny g. rieger:
fahr zur hölle, jonny!

büchergilde gutenberg, zürich prag, 1936
printer: genossenschaftsdruckerei zürich
size: 22 x 13 cm
designer: emil zbinden

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"fahr zur hölle, jonny!" (go to hell, jonny!) is an autobiographical report by berlin-born jonny gerd rieger (1908-1985) about the 1920s when he was a hobo wandering around europe. later he wrote for the left-wing magazine "arbeiter illustrierte zeitung".

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this first edition was published by the exiled büchergilde gutenberg in zurich.

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the flashy black and yellow jacket and cover were designed by emil zbinden (1908-1991). in the same year, zbinden created the dust jackets for two traven first editions published by the büchergilde (see stories 9 and 10).

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the typography of the inner pages was done by the büchergilde's founder bruno dressler (1879-1952) who had left germany in 1933 to become director of the independent swiss büchergilde.

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