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book (design) story #169

rena felden:
herzen im kampf

zeitschriftenverlag aktiengesellschaft, berlin, 1933
printer: r. boll, buchdruckeriei g.m.b.h., berlin
size: 20 x 14 cm
designer: cesar domela

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this novel about "fighting hearts" is by rena felden which apparaently is a pseudonym for lisa honroth-loewe, an author i don't know much more about.

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while the inner pages of this rather cheaply produced novel are nothing special, ...

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... the cover is an attractive "typophoto" montage by cesar domela-nieuwenhuis (1900-1992), an artist we have come across before. the vertical and horizontal rules reveal a touch of de stijl, a group domela was part of. the cover feautures an airplane (and its silhouette) above an aerial view of berlin, with the town-hall of schöneberg lower right. domela designed the hearts using halftone screens. his signature is printed on the rear panel.

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