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book (design) story #176

leo leuppi:
konkrete, abstrakte, surrealistische malerei in der schweiz

kunstmuseum st. gallen, 1947
printer: buchdruckerei h. tschudy & co., st. gallen
size: 21 x 15 cm
designer: richard paul lohse

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an exhibition of concrete, abstract and surrealist painting in switzerland was shown in the swiss town of st. gallen in 1947, organised by the galerie des eaux-vives (see also story 152 and 153) in zurich in cooperation with the "allianz" group of swiss modern artists .

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this simple catalogue leaflet was designed by one of the artists, richard paul lohse (1902-1988). a vertical list of the artists' names in an asymmetric layout was a style also used for other "allianz" catalogue covers – designed by tschichold, bill, and lohse. below reproductions of paintings by leo leuppi (left) and richard paul lohse.

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