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book (design) story #198

a. w. schestakow:
kurzer abriss der die geschichte russlands

literaturvertrieb, zürich, 1947
printer: märki & co., basel
size: 15 x 11 cm
designer: richard paul lohse

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this is a german translation of short history of russia as seen by the official soviet union. the small book was published in zürich in 1947.

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the jacket was designed by richard paul lohse (1902-1988) in his trademark style, using two – partly overlapping – monochrome pictures in different colours.

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thethe cover and inner pages with their axial typography were most likely not designed by lohse.

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the jacket design extends to the back. history is visualized by the kulaks (wealthy farmers in tsarist russia) at the top which march backwards to the left, contrasted by a kolkhoz farmer, happily smiling towards the right (red-coloured of course). the colour scheme of a light red combined with a light green is also seen in lohse's jackets for books 36, 52 and 54.

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