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book (design) story #217

henry a. wallace:
lavoro per tutti

giulio einaudi editore, torino, 1946
size: 21 x 15 cm
designer: max huber

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another great cover by max huber (1919-1992) who designed many covers or einaudi (see stories 214, 215) in the immediate post-wwii years: the typewirter-style title "work for all" in blue is printed across an orange-tinted photo of a worker's protest march in the u.s. – the space around the title is masked white in the shape of a panel with handle so it looks like the title is a demo slogan carried by protesters.

Book image

this is an italian translation of the book "sixty million jobs" published by edgar a. wallace (1888-1965) in 1945. 1941-1945 wallace had been u.s. vice-president under roosevelt. in the 1948 presidential election he was the (unsuccessful) canditate of the left-wing "progressive party".

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the title page is modern with a "modern" (bodoni) typeface in an asymmetricl arrangement.

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