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book (design) story #232

james laughlin, fritz arnold:
perspektiven / heft 1

s. fischer verlag, frankfurt am main, 1952
printer: johannes weisbecker, frankfurt am main; brüder rosenbaum, vienna (cover and plates)
size: 23 x 15 cm
designer: alvin lustig

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this is the first issue of the magazine "perspektiven" which was originally published in english language ("perspectives"). the english and german versions of this magazine on literature, art and music shared an identical design ...

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... by alvin lustig (1915-1955), an american graphic designer who is usually not associated with german language publications.

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lustig's abstract-geometric cover design and modernist typography by lustig reveal a european influence – note the tschichold-style typeface mix in the titles.

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if you want to know more about this designer who died before he reached the age of 41 check the great website

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