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book (design) story #251

heinrich brockmann-jerosch:
schweizer bauernhaus

verlag hans huber, bern, 1933
size: 24 x 16 cm
designer: pierre gauchat (jacket, cover + illustrations)

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heinrich (henryk) brockmann-jerosch (1879-1939) grew up in winterthur and later became a professor of botany at the zürich university. he also wrote this important book on historic swiss farm houses.

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the design of the photographic dustjacket ist strikingly modernist, with a red sans-serif title set diagonally along the edge of the roof. the author's name is shortened to "br-j" on the jacket's front and on the cover.

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the jacket is signed "gauchat" in a red lowercase sans-serif. renowned swiss graphic designer pierre gauchat (1902-1956) had trained at the kunstgewerbeschule zürich, and later became a teacher there. we already mentioned him in connection with this brochure.

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gauchat is also credited for the many drawings of farm houses in the book. the foreword explains why drawings were preferred over photographs – to emphasise the typical features and mask out modern alterations to the bulidings.

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