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book (design) story #281

william brunner:
pioniere der weltallforschung

büchergilde gutenberg, zürich, 1951
printer: genossenschaftsdruckerei zürich
size: 24 x 17 cm
designer: richard paul lohse (jacket)

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another work by the author of the previous book, swiss astronomer william brunner (1878-1958), on the pioneers of space research.

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for this nice 1951 jacket richard paul lohse (1902-1988) used his trademark transparent overprinting photomontages using strictly rectangular "colour fields" similar to his abstract painting – and very much like book 52. a list of previously published books is printed on the rear panel of these later "forschung und leben" dustjackets. the signature "lohse swb" (swb = schweizerischer werkbund) is printed close to the spine.

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this scientific book series published by the swiss büchergilde gutenberg usually came with standardised "old-fashioned" symmetric cover design (shown in story 278) – this one is an exception to the rule: more modern with its asymmetrically arranged sans-serif title, however not related to the jacket design.

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below the chapter on galileo galilei.

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