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book (design) story #291

marieluise fleisser:
ein pfund orangen und 9 andere geschichten

gustav kiepenheuer verlag a.-g., berlin, 1929
printer: offizin haag-drugulin a.-g., leipzig
size: 17 x 13 cm
designer: georg salter (jacket + cover)

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german writer marieluise fleisser (1901-1974) was born in ingolstadt, a bavarian town where she spent most of her life. in the 1920s she was part of bertold brecht's entourage. brecht's 1929 production of fleisser's play "pioniere in ingolstadt" caused a scandal. this book's title: "a pound of oranges and 9 other stories by marieluise fleisser from ingolstadt".

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the impressum credits georg salter (1897-1967) for the design of the cover and the jacket. the mix of typefaces on the cloth cover printed in salter's favourite turquoise and orange-red colours (see story 257) is daring but it works. i wonder if georg salter's fresh, unconventional mixing of typefaces inspired jan tschichold to revise his "sans-serif only" doctrine (see book 29) by the early 1930s (see e.g. book 342).

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the design of the front cover was also used for the jacket ...

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... which is present on this paperback edition.

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