book (design) story #295
(unknown) :
25 jahre aeg-dampfturbinen
vdi-verlag gmbh, berlin, 1928
printer: otto elsner, berlin
size: 30 x 21 cm
designer: cesar domela
the algemeine elctricitäts-gesellschaft (aeg) was a pioneering industrial company based in berlin. in 1928 they published this a4 size brochure "25 jahre dampftubinen" to commemorate the 25th anniversary of their steam turbine production.
if you think that the dividing orthogonal bars on the wrappers, title page and table of contents look a bit like a piet mondrian painting you are not that wrong: ...
... the book was designed by dutch artist cesar domela-nieuwenhuis (1900-1992) who was a member of "de stijl" movement.
asymmetric layout with bold sans-serif (often capitals for the title), bold rules and bold page numbers are typical for the early "new typography" style.
note the page asymmetrically placed page numbers with vertical rule. chapter ends are marked by a horizontal rule.
pictured above the famous turbine factory building from 1909, designed by peter behrens.
the book finishes with a long rule and the word "end", ...
... followed by an impressum where domela again celebrates the "stijl" style.
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