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book (design) story #342

oskar wöhrle:
der baldamus und seine streiche

der bücherkreis gmbh, berlin, 1931
printer: auerdruck, hamburg
size: 23 x 15 cm
designer: jan tschichold

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the story of baldamus, a tramp and foreign legionary, by alsatian-born writer oskar wöhrle (1890-1946) was inspired by his own life. first published in 1913 the novel was reprinted by the bücherkreis book club in 1927, proved a big seller, and prompted another reedition in 1931: the bücherkreis celebrated the printing of hundred thousand copies with a special edition of 1000 copies on better paper, and with finer cloth for the cover.

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jan tschichold (1902-1974) designed the 1931 reedition (featured in a later story) and also the special edition. note the blackletter typeface (schwabacher) for the title – boxed on the title page!

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each copy of the special edition was numbered and signed by the author.

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