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book (design) story #349

john thomas murphy:

büchergilde gutenberg, zürich, 1945
printer: abc druckerei und verlags ag, zürich
size: 22 x 13 cm
designer: richard paul lohse

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this is a german translation of the biography "stalin 1879-1944" by john thomas murphy (1888-1965), a british communist who broke with the party in 1932. it was published by the swiss büchergilde gutenberg in 1945, shortly after the original.

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it is one of the numerous büchergilde books designed by richard paul lohse (1902-1988).

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the photographic jacket shows stalin surrounded by his people – not as a godlike leader like often in soviet propaganda of the time.

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the cover design is "red army style": a military grey cloth with "stalin" in a heavy slab-serif printed across the soviet red star.

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the title page is in the vein of the cover: the symmetric layout is monumental – rather different than the asymmetric, more "democratic" looking jacket.

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on the photo below stalin and german foreign minister joachim van ribbentrop at the signing of the infamous "non-aggression pact" in august 1939.

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