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book (design) story #376

hans kasser:
kartographie in der schweiz / 100 jahre kümmerly & frey

kunstgewerbemuseum, zürich, 1953
size: 21 x 15 cm
designer: hans kasser

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this catalogue for a 1953 kunstgewerbemuseum zürich exhibtion celebrates the 100th anniversary of kümmerly & frey, a swiss lithograph printer specialised in maps.

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whil richard paul lohse designed a stunning poster, the catalogue was designed by hans kasser (1907-1978) who worked for many years for the magazine "schweiz, suisse, svizzera" published by the swiss tourist board. kasser also contributed one of the texts.

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there are illustrations explaining the process of map printing, ...

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... and plates showing other printed matters like chocolate wrapping paper and ...

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posters: examples include classic designs by artists such as ...

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... giovanni giacometti, emil cardinaux, hans arp, and hans neuburg.

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