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book (design) story #397

egidio reale:
la svizzera

ghilda del libro, lugano, 1946
printer: conzett & huber, zürich
size: 23 x 16 cm
designer: richard paul lohse (jacket)

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a great overprinting photomontage by richard paul lohse (1902-1988): the huge hand with raised three fingers symbolising the legendary swiss "rütli oath" seems to grip the silhouette of switzerland. note the printed signature "lohse swb" in the lower left corner (lohse didn't design the rest of the book).

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"the guilda del libro" was the italian language department of the büchergilde gutenberg.

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"switzerland – a small country, a big example" was written by italian egidio reale (1888-1958), a prominent anti-fascist activist who spent some years in swiss exile and served as a minister and diplomat after ww2.

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the plates show works by contemporary swiss artists, below the painting in the cathedral by otto meyer-amden.

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