book (design) story #408
max werner lenz:
fahrerin scherrer
büchergilde gutenberg, zürich, 1946
printer: c. j. bucher ag, luzern
size: ?? x ?? cm
designer: richard paul lohse, jacket + cover
one of the numerous büchergilde jackets by richard paul lohse (1902-1988), signed it in the lower right corner.
this one employs lohse's trademark overprinting photomontage style: swiss soldiers and an elegantly dressed woman, ...
... illustrating the story of a bourgeois lady joining the swiss women's military service during ww2. the grey cloth cover reminds of army uniforms.
this patriotic debut novel by swiss author and actor max werner (i.e. max werner russenberger, 1887-1973) lenz won a writing competition organised by the büchergilde.
the typography of the inner pages is traditional, not by lohse.
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