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book (design) story #480

b. traven:
die brücke im dschungel

büchergilde gutenberg, berlin, 1929
printer: buchdruckwerkstätte g.m.b.h., berlin
size: ?? x ?? cm
designer: (unknown)

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"the bridge in the jungle" by b. traven (1890?-1969) was first published in german in the year 1929 by the büchergilde gutenberg, at that time still in berlin.

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the book design combines modernist elements like large titles based on an asymmetric geometry ...

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... with more traditional elements like a classic roman typeface, centred chapter numbers and hand-drawn initials.

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no designer is credited. nevertheless, the book made it among the "50 most beautiful books of 1929" at the first such competition held in germany in 1930.

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