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book (design) story #612

siegfried enkelmann, rudolf liechtenhan:
ballett in basel

kirschgarten-verlag, basel, around 1963
printer: kirschgarten-druckerei ag, basel
size: 29 x 24 cm
photographer: siegfried enkelmann
designer: (unknown)

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a beautiful photo book about the renowned ballet dancing ensemble of the theater basel.

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the stunning photographs are by siegfried enkelmann (1905-1978), one of germany's leading dance photographers.

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a flyer for the supporters' organisation "friends of the basle ballet" is laid in.

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the book typography is interesting: the main text by rudolf liechtenhan (1911-2005), a basel-based dance expert, ...

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... is set in gill sans – a sansserif not often used by swiss typographers –, ...

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... unjustified in a horizontal band of short columns.

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the captions have their own section at the back, along with smaller b/w versions of the photos arranged in a uniform 3x3 grid.

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