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book (design) story #630

luigi pirandello:
einer, keiner, hunderttausend

orell füssli verlag, zürich / leipzig, around 1928
printer: art. institut orell füssli, zürich
size: ?? x ?? cm
designer: (unknown)

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orell füssli published italian writer luigi pirandello's (1867-1937) works in german, see e.g. story 481.

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some of their late 1920s books they also offered in this paperback series we came across in story 559.

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definitely a modernist book design concept, with asymmetric sansserif typography on a photographic jacket.

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this is a german version of pirandellos's 1926 "uno, nessuno e centomila".

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the book opens with the author's portrait photo and printed signature.

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