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book (design) story #65

fannina w. halle:
frauen des ostens

europa verlag, zürich, 1938
size: 23 x 15 cm
designer: richard paul lohse

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again a jacket design by richard paul lohse (1902-1988), and again a black and white photomontage with an aeroplane and a cloudy sky printed blue (see story 64). the jacket is signed lower right in script. aircraft, symbols of technological progress and of "freedom", are frequent in lohse's designs.

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fannina w. halle (1881-1963), a lithuanian-born art historian and sociologist who had studied in vienna, wrote several books about russia. in 1940 halle emigrated to the usa.

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this book is about the situation of women in the eastern parts of the soviet union. halle welcomes their liberation from (muslim) traditions. the poem on the page above says: "down with the veil". below a photo of a female pilot.

not surprisingly, fannina halle's books were banned in nazi germany. this edition was published by emil oprecht's europa verlag, zürich.

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