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book (design) story #665

curt biging:
tiere, sonnen und atome

büchergilde gutenberg, berlin, 1930
printer: buchdruckwerkstätte, berlin
size: ?? x ?? cm
designer: (unknown) (heinrich pschierer (drawings))

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"animals, sun and atoms" is a natural history book by curt biging (1887-1950), a german doctor and politician.

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biging authored a travel report also published by the büchergilde gutenber, see story 115)

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the blue cover with silver title in asymmetrically set lowercase sansserif is in the "new typography" vein. an odd detail is the "s" in "sonne".

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the title spread with huge blue title is also asymmetric and in sansserif, but mixed-case.

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the drawings of mammoths, dinosaurs, etc. are credited to heinrich pschierer (dates?).

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the book was among the winners of the "50 most beautiful german books" award that year. however its designer is not credited in the book.

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