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book (design) story #674

arnold rüdlinger:
max gubler

kunsthalle basel, 1959
printer: benno schwabe & co., basel
size: 21 x 17 cm
designer: armin hofmann (cover)

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basel design school teacher armin hofmann (*1920) – like his coleage emil ruder – designed many igf not most of the catalogues for exhibitions at the local kunsthalle and gewerbemuseum.

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this purely typographical cover is similar in style to book 596: ...

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... asymmetrically arranged lines of akzidenz-grotesk semi-bold in one size.

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kunsthalle director arnold rüdlinger wrote introductory text for this retrospective exhibition of swiss painter ernst gubler (1895-1958) who had died the year before. below a self-portrait.

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while the catalogue text is in sansserif, the ads use garamond.

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