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book (design) story #702

paul bekker:
wandlungen der oper

orell füssli verlag, zürich / leipzig, 1934
size: ?? x ?? cm
designer: alfred willimann (jacket+cover)

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paul bekker (1882-1927) was an influential german music director and music critic. in 193 he emigrated first to paris, then new york. this book on opera wa published 1934 in zürich.

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the jacket and cover design feature a typographic title with an unusual design for the word opera: ...

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... the letter "o" is based on a g-clef.

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the jacket and cover design is credtied to alfred willimann (1900-1957), ...

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... who was a teacher at the kunstgwerbeschule zürich (see also story 693).

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the text on the jacket flaps are set in "new typography" style, unlike the book itself.

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