book (design) story #749
hermann hiltbrunner:
die brünig-linie / schweiz
publizitätsdienst der schweiz. bundesbahnen, 1939
printer: kunstanstalt brügger ag, meiringen
size: 22 x 11 cm
photographer: brügger, bucher, gaberell, schneider, spreng
designer: hermann eidenbenz
slanted sansserif headlines are often seen on 1930s swiss tourist posters and pamphlets. this one was published by the swiss federal railways ...
... to promote the narrow gauge rack railway line over the brünig pass. the cover design is based on a key: the flag of the swiss canton of obwalden. the keyring includes the flags of bern, luzern and nidwalden which are connected by this railway line.
hermann eidenbenz (1902-1993) is credited for the design.
the cover photomontage with clouds and butterfly seems somewhat influenced by herbert matter, see e.g. story 733.
swiss writer hermann hiltbrunner (1893-1961) contributed the text.
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