book (design) story #296
manfred maier:
elementare entwurfs- und gestaltungsprozesse
verlag paul haupt, bern, 1977
printer: roto-sadag sa, genève
size: 30 x 23 cm
designer: wolfgang weingart (cover)
a white slipcase ...
... containing 4 slim volumes : ...
... the "grundkurs an der kunstgewerbeschule basel", ...
... the "basel school" of swiss graphic design made famous by teachers like emil ruder and armin hofmann (see e.g. story 56).
while the layout of the inner pages was done by author manfred maier, the impressum credits another designer for the covers: wolfgang weingart (*1941), a basel school typographer from the generation after ruder/hofmann.
this course books were also translated into english and published by van nostrand reinhold, new york, under the title: "the foundation program at the school of design basel switzerland: basic principles of design".
volume 1 and 2 cover drawing and lettering, ...
... volume 3 is about "material studies, textile design, color 2", ...
... volume 4 contains "color 1, graphic exercises, dimensional design – with swiss "concrete art" style colour exercises (above) and black/white design studies similar to the those in this book.
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