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book (design) story #305

egon erwin kisch:
der rasende reporter

erich reiss verlag, berlin, 1925
printer: spamersche buchdruckerei, leipzig
size: 21 x 14 cm
designer: lucian bernhard (cover)

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we have come across egon erwin kisch (1885-1948) before, in story 256. "the racing reporter" is his most famous collection of reportages.

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the first edition came with this stunning, dynamic, abstract cover design. the signature "bhd" stands for lucian bernhard (1883-1972) whose real name was emil kahn. bernhard was a pioneer of modernist poster design in the early years of the 20th century. in the 1920s the successful designer emigrated to the u.s.a. bernhard is also known for his typeface designs.

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the typography of the inner pages is rather traditional.

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