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book (design) story #329

paul lieberenz:
im lande der renntiere

reimar hobbing, berlin, 1931
printer: allge. verlags- und druckerei-gesellschaft m.b.h., berlin
size: 24 x 16 cm
designer: paul stadlinger

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paul lieberenz (1893-1954) was a german filmmaker and writer who became famous for his documentary films of expedions in africa. this 1933 book is about a trip to lapland – the land of the reindeers.

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later lieberenz proved rather compatible with the nazi zeitgeist: he worked with leni riefenstahl on the infamous nazi propaganda film "triumph des willens" about the 1934 nuremberg rally.

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the same can be said about the designer of the book, paul stadlinger (no dates known), see book story 184.

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nevertheless, this 1933 book is nicely designed in a modernist vein, very similar to jan tschichold's early 1930s books.

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fortunately the text of this book has no nationalistic overtones, and the author's excellent photographs are masterfully reproduced by gravure printing.

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