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book (design) story #411

egon erwin kisch:
zaren, popen, bolschewiken

erich reiss, berlin, 1927
printer: spamersche buchdruckerei leipzig
size: 21 x 14 cm
designer: (unknown) , berger (jacket)

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"tsars, popes, bolsheviks" is another collection of reportages by egon erwin kisch (1885-1948), again published by erich reiss in berlin. the cover is influenced by lucian bernhard's design of book 305. note the ornamental cover's somewhat oriental touch.

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banking on kisch's "racing reporter" image, the publisher added a jacket claiming "the racing reporter in russia".

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there is a portrait photo of kisch on the jacket's back, ...

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... interestingly standing on its head!

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the jacket is signed "berger" but that's all i know about the book's designers.

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i wonder if the jacket's chalkboard style title influenced this jacket design.

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